In theory, women can do whatever men can. In theory, women are as intellectual as men. The language of women is the very same language that we use as we deal with people everyday. A ‘yes’ means yes and a ‘no’ means no.
And true enough, when a woman says no she means no provided that... and a yes for her is a yes if and only if, or just to a certain degree (what?! there are varying degrees of yes?!) ... hahaha experience would tell us that there is always this underlying meaning to every word that they say, meaning that is yet to be deciphered otherwise war would be inevitable. Even the smartest and the most straightforward female i have ever met is genetically wired to have this kind of sub-language.
Just as well, women would always insist that they mean what they say and that their words should be taken as they are. For us who know better, we always proceed with a never-ending clarification and verification in the most subtle way we can just to be sure if we got them right. hahaha
And take note,. i'm only talking about words being said, there are still things like when they don't reply which could mean a million things, or when they don't show up on a date and expect to be forgiven but when we are late for just a few minutes it's as if we should be subjected to a capital punishment. And here’s the bomb, women's greatest weapon is not really their charm but their silence. Man, if your woman all of a sudden becomes quiet, you better start praying. hahaha
There's also this unwritten rule that by virtue of their gender, they should always win in any fight. If they don't, then it's not yet the end of it. hahaha
But the greatest mystery of it all, is that by some cosmic force we just love them for that. I personally would not want them any other way.
Empires and kingdoms have risen and fallen just because of a woman's kiss. her smiles had launched and is still launching thousands of ships for battles to death.
The fate of this world lies on HER. And as for me, i'm just waiting for my woman to come and say the word; and i shall climb the highest mountain and dive the deepest sea.
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